Chits & Giggles


Our last faction from the base game of Root, The Woodland Alliance is the de facto muckrakers of the forest. We'll take a look at the rebels and how they ultimately interact with the greater powers that be. #Root


Next up in our examination of Root, we'll get our feet wet with an examination of the Riverfolk Company. Easily the faction with the most interaction-heavy gameplay, the Riverfolk offers a lot of meta-gaming that affects the balance and narrative of the game in ways no other faction can. #Root


Continuing our examination of Root, this time we're focusing on the mixed bag called The Vagabond. We'll take a closer look at the interactions the faction brings to the game, and highlight some problematic areas that comes with it. #Root


We continue our examination of Root highlighting two factions this time, the Eyrie and Marquise de Cat and focusing on how it feels to interact with them, and how they fit into the “narrative” of the game that seems to be a key part of Cole's design. #Root


This series represents a collection of my observations on Root after more than two dozen games. We won't really talk about the presentation of the game, or any of sort session reports; instead, the core focus will be on the different factions, how it feels to interact with them, and how they fit into the “narrative” of the game that seems to be a key part of Cole's design. #Root